A tremendous opportunity

Upon starting this blog, I had hoped that it would help me to form good habits of writing regularly, and then perhaps in time it might lead to opportunities to write for more than just a hobby. I was duly shocked when, after just two posts, I was contacted directly by none other than Anna Wintour, the iconic editor of Vogue Magazine. And this time, she didn't just want to borrow money. Anna's invitation was almost unimaginable for a young writer: I was to fly business-class to Los Angeles and meet one-on-one with the venerable Queen of Hollywood, Meryl Streep. 

Expectations and first impressions

“Everybody has a plan, until you get punched in the face!” said Sharon Osborne once, quoting Mike Tyson. Never has this quote-of-a-quote felt more apt than now, after my first two weeks living in Germany have confounded almost every precursory expectation my anxious brain could conjure.